Screenie no. 17

Featuring GKrellM, Openbox 3, Gentoo. Using Devil's Pie for undecorated aterms. Arctic OB3 theme, Invisible GKrellM theme.

Screenie no. 16

Allegro OB3 theme, null GKrellM theme.

Screenie no. 15

Planton OB3 theme, Oregano GKrellM theme.

Screenie no. 14

I kinda lost the lust to theme - no more custom themes lately ('xcept bootsplash). Winter-GTK2 OB3 theme. Back on Gentoo again.

Screenie no. 13

Custom theme, really simple - running Source Mage GNU/Linux.

Screenie no. 12

Spent very little time on this custom theme, yet I really like the result (the wallpaper is fabulous).

Screenie no. 11

Another custom bootsplash theme.

Screenie no. 10

A custom bootsplash theme. Did the text-box with GIMP instead of the built-in one for bootsplash.

Screenie no. 9

The custom OpenBox theme that I like most. Found out some new stuff for this theme.

Screenie no. 8

Very basic custom OpenBox theme in only black and white.

Screenie no. 7

Simple and grey, custom OpenBox theme again.

Screenie no. 6

Experimenting with a simple custom theme.

Screenie no. 5

Another custom OpenBox theme - have the themerc's from here and later, luckily.

Screenie no. 4

First time custom OpenBox theme. Lost the configuration file in a reinstall, unfortunately.

Screenie no. 3

First-time OpenBox try-out. Like it, nice and simple.

Screenie no. 2

*Boxes are cool (FluxBox in this case)! They're fast and simple. Still switching between Gnome and Flux though, since I'm not very competent with it yet.

Screenie no. 1

My first screenshot ever! Using Gnome on an extremely fresh Gentoo installation.

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