
Code: mail.php.disabled_by_bastiaan

  1. <?php
  2. /* Everyone is free to use all the code on this site, but I would really appreciate if the site the code is used for becomes open as well. I would really like to hear from you if you use the code, and send me a link to your site. */
  3. $add = "sam_at_utrecht_dot_njn_dot_nl"; // Yeah, yeah - I know you can read this :)
  4. $add = str_replace("_at_","@","$add");
  5. $add = str_replace("_dot_",".","$add");
  6. if( $_POST['topic'] && $_POST['content'] ) {
  7. $topic = $_POST['topic'];
  8. $raw = $_POST['content'];
  9. mail($add,$topic,$raw);
  10. $content = array();
  11. $content = explode("\n",$_POST['content']);
  12. print("<div class=\"subtitle\" style=\"text-indent: 0px; text-align: center;\">Your mail: $topic</div>");
  13. print("<div style=\"font-size: 5px; visibility: hidden;\">.</div>");
  14. print("<div class=\"mailcontent\">");
  15. foreach( $content as $line) { print("$line<br />"); }
  16. print("</div>");
  17. } else {
  18. print("<div class=\"subtitle\" style=\"text-indent: 0px; text-align: center;\">Send me a mail!</div>");
  19. print("<form action=\"index.php?page=mail.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
  20. print("<div style=\"text-align: center; text-indent: 0px;\"><input name=\"topic\" onfocus=\"this.select()\" type=\"text\" value=\"Topic\" class=\"formtext\" /><br /></div>\n");
  21. print("<div style=\"font-size: 5px; visibility: hidden;\">.</div>");
  22. print("<div style=\"text-align: center; text-indent: 0px;\"><textarea name=\"content\" onfocus=\"this.select()\" class=\"formtext block\" rows=\"18\" cols=\"60\">Content - if you want me to reply insert your email address as well.</textarea><br /></div>\n");
  23. print("<div style=\"font-size: 5px; visibility: hidden;\">.</div>");
  24. print("<div style=\"text-align: center; text-indent: 0px;\"><input class=\"formbutt\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Send!\" /></div>");
  25. print("</form>\n");
  26. }
  27. ?>

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